The Marketing Award for Effective Brand Communication – Entry Form

Our judges would like you to tell them the story of the brand marketing activity undertaken in your school during 2024-25; share your pride in where you work and explain why your marketing activity has presented a compelling and positive image of your school to the wider community. Describe some of your biggest marketing achievements (but please avoid lists!). Most of all, give us a sense of how the spirit and core offer of the school would be communicated to our judges if they were lucky enough to walk through your doors.

These are the key questions to answer in your entry: please make sure your entry focuses on your brand marketing activities rather than on the wider life of the school.

  • Why do you think your school’s brand marketing activities are special? Tell us about your marketing programme’s remit, purpose and reach and, in particular, how you work with stakeholders to ensure that the wider community has a positive understanding of the school and its role. What is it about your school’s market positioning which makes it stand out from other schools? What are your school’s brand marketing successes and achievements which make it worthy of this award? (Circa 200 words)
  • In 2024-5, the judges will be particularly interested to hear how you addressed the sector-wide marketing challenges caused by the imposition of VAT on fees and the unsupportive political climate. Tell us how you have addressed these issues and ensured that the sterling benefits of an independent education are communicated clearly to prospective parents? Tell us about any brand marketing initiatives which the school undertook this year of which you are particularly proud. (Circa 150 words)
  • What is the impact of your brand marketing programme? How do you think the programme helped to confront the challenging student recruitment environment caused by political and economic changes? (Circa 150 words)

2025 Awards Timeline


25th March


5th June







