Our judges would like you to tell them the story of sporting achievement in your school during 2024-25; share your pride in where you work and explain why the students in your care enjoy an unparalleled student experience in the field of sport. Give us some examples of what you are describing and share any data which supports your entry (but please avoid lists of competitions won!). Most of all, give us a sense of sporting provision in your school community as it would appear to our judges if they were lucky enough to walk through your doors.
These are the key questions to answer in your entry: please make sure your entry focuses on sporting achievement in your school rather than on the wider life of the school.
- Why do you think sporting provision in your school is special? What is it about your sports curriculum/activities which makes your school stand out from other schools? What are your school’s particular sporting successes and achievements which make it worthy of this award? (Circa 200 words)
- Why do you think your sporting provision in 2024-25 has met the particular needs of your students and provided them with a positive student experience? Tell us about any particular sporting projects and initiatives which the school undertook this year of which you are particularly proud. (Circa 150 words)
- What is the impact of your sports programme? Why do you think your sporting provision has given your students an understanding and appreciation of sport which they can carry through into adulthood and which will help them lead healthy lives (Circa 150 words)