Independent Girls School of the Year : Wimbledon High School

Wimbledon High empowers its students to find their voice and take their place in the world. Our initiative of #JOMO, the joy of missing out, came from the girls in their Women of Wimbledon feminist society; it made headlines in 2018 for its positive approach to the angst around social media: it’s ok to opt out; be true to yourself. Some 100+ clubs and activities (fantastic concerts, plays, sporting successes) enable girls to find what they are passionate about. We’ve seen Arkwright scholars; Young Bafta winners (concept for video game); a winning asthma pack design moving to a prototype for the NHS. Student leaders have run Clever Clogs – it’s cool to be clever; Happiness Festival (be mindful, try new things, support each other); Pride week; student stand-up comedy night; student-written Magic Mondays emails to all staff and girls including quirky observations about school life; heart-shaped notes of appreciation to teachers from anonymous ‘woe warriors’. Students have also supported community projects: teaching local primary children, singing at care homes, mentoring through our SHINE programme, writing books for children in Ghana; our annual Because I’m a Girl walk. We’ve created a can-do atmosphere with our GROW pastoral programme at the centre – an innovative and all-encompassing approach to be ahead of the issues facing teens and parents (leading to a number of visits from schools) – themes explored further in our first ever pastoral festival this year, GROWFest – attended by educationalists and eminent thinkers from across the UK. For a highly academic school we have brilliantly grounded students, who know how to have fun, but are serious about their studies. You can see their academic thinking this past year in our WimLearn blog and in our online student magazine Unconquered Peaks (a reference to our school song) – girls volunteering to write on issues that matter to them (a particular drive in this centenary year of women’s suffrage). Staff lead by example – WimTeach articles address pedagogical thinking and are freely shared – and institutionally the school speaks out. One example this year is our championing the importance of arts education and embracing STEAM throughout the school, with three scientists in residence promoting a spirit of enquiry and collaboration across departments, fostering inter-disciplinary learning. In a world that is rapidly changing, where young people will be entering jobs we do not yet know exist, we’ve been looking to promote intellectual agility, resilience. As the school that held first held failure week, embracing the messy side of learning (and growing up) is embedded in our culture; this year we’ve taken it further and revolutionised our 11+ testing; in groups we’ll assess problem solving skills and teamwork, creativity and teachability. Our popularity has grown; applications continue to rise (highest ever at 16+) alongside a real buzz about WHS. Yet we remain true to our key aim: Stepping in, striding out – and our girls do just that; they are nurtured and known, leaving Y13 ready (quietly or loudly) to go out into the world and shake it up.

2025 Awards Timeline


13th March









