All independent schools which are members of an association in membership of the Independent Schools Council or a British International School which is a member of COBIS are invited to nominate themselves in any of the award categories that are relevant to them.
There is a one-off £45 entry fee. This entitles schools to enter as many categories as they wish. Nominations are easy to submit using the online forms accessible below. Entries will close on Thursday, 5 June 2025.
Our judges are looking for stories of success which demonstrate how the schools applying for each award have fostered excellence and supported positive student experiences in whichever aspect of school life the award recognises.
In 2025 we want to celebrate all that is best about an independent education and share insights into our sector’s sterling achievements as widely as possible, underlining the critical contribution we make far beyond the school grounds.
The judges will be open to schools’ own interpretation of what represents success for them. They will be interested to see how the schools present their stories to demonstrate the achievement of excellence and what makes them different from their peers.
It is very helpful for the judges if, where possible, entries can be underpinned by supporting evidence and it is essential that they explain the positive impact made on the wider student experience. Schools are encouraged to supplement their written submission with accompanying photographs and/or video.
Please study the criteria for each award carefully before authoring your entry and try to follow the guidance on the number of words we indicate recommend should be provided in answering the groups of questions we have posed.